I started noticing that there was a screeching noise from the engine bay in our VW T25 campervan when starting the engine. I decided it must be the auxiliary belt needing tightened or replaced. However, I delayed doing anything about it as I had recently looked at the belt when replacing a section of the cooling pipe and it looked fine then. Anyway, even if it needed replacing it wasn't a problem as I had a spare.
Posted by
on Thu 30 June 2016
Travelling the West Coast of Scotland from Sutherland down to Galloway I have been amazed at the number of road signs that have been peppered with bullet holes. Signs with writing on them seem to be particularly popular although the small passing place signs are also frequently used. It is mainly road signs on single-track roads and quieter "A" class byways in upland areas that are affected. I haven't seen the same thing on the East Coast but that might be because I don't drive...
Recently, we had a courtesy car while the insurance company were deciding what to do about our car accident claim. The car provided was a Volkwagen Up! I was initially dismissive of the car due to its diminutive proportions, to the extent of thinking about it as a motorised roller-skate. We also had never ending puns based on the model name prefixed by any verb imaginable. Oh, and VW really do use the exclamation mark as part of the name.
Posted by
on Thu 02 June 2016
I was working outside on the washing green which entailed walking up and down the steps several times during the early evening. I happened to notice that each time I passed the cornflower plant, at the side of the steps, there was a stationary ginger bumblebee perched on top of one of the flowers. The bumblebee was still there more than thirty minutes later in the exact same position, I decided to investigate. I very carefully prodded the bumblebee and it moved in response, so it was...
When I went shopping recently I noticed Lidl were offering sausages at a reduced price.
Let's take a closer look at the per kilo price.
Hmmm, I think £3,875 per kilo is a little expensive...
Buzz Aldrin revealed on Twitter that after his Apollo 11 mission he had to complete an expenses claim and a customs' declaration form. Which just goes to prove that if you work for the government, US Government in this case, you can't get away from completing the proper paperwork. The forms include some real gems which sound like they...
The image below is a screenshot of the weather forecast for my home area by the Met Office for today August 1st, 2015. The "feels like temperature" (centigrade) was wildly optimistic as it didn't feel anything like that warm. This should be the height of summer but I had to light the wood burning stove today as it...
For a few weeks now my laptop has, on an intermittent basis, been playing a two second musical alert. Is my CPU burning so hot it is about to imitate a China Syndrome? Is my fan spinning so fast that it resmbles a pulsar? Could it be my battery is about to explode? Maybe it is just an incoming email matching a particular pattern. The thing is I have no idea what the alert is for as there is no accompanying visual confirmation. I certainly don't remember manually setting any alerts. It is...
I haven't watched TV at home for nearly 20 years. I haven't owned a TV for nearly 15 years. There was a time when we used to watch videos using a television, but, we have long since moved to using DVDs, and large computer monitors.
Posted by
on Tue 21 July 2015
Today, I dug out an old Lex Light fanless PC which I haven't used for years. The first thing I had to do was find out the version of Debian it was running which I normally do by checking the contents of the sources.list file. I wondered if there was an easier way to find out the current version and indeed there is:
Posted by fitheach on Wed 08 July 2015