
Ceud Mìle Fàilte

Thank you for dropping-by, I hope you enjoy your visit. The main content is to be found in the blog, where I discuss everything and anything, but, topics including: photography, nature, technology, food, movies, music, politics, and life in the Highlands of Scotland, make regular appearances.

I commonly write reviews of movies (or films, if you prefer). Some movie reviews are short, others will be discussed in more detail. The scope covered will be mainly mainstream English language movies from the 1930s until the present day.

About me

My name is Iain MacDonald and I live in the Highlands of Scotland (although I have lived elsewhere in the past). I use Fitheach as my online pseudonym, on this website, on Mastodon, and on Matrix. I am a big fan of Free & Open Source Software, which I use both professionally and at home.

Computing and technology tend to infuse themselves into my other interests, as once you learn some skills in one area it is convenient to use them to solve problems in other spheres.

When not tinkering with computers, I am likely to be found repairing things because living in the countryside you learn to be resourceful.

Of course, man doesn't live by SSH tunnels and kerosene vapour burners alone, so, food, as a subject, makes regular appearances, too.

My latest Life articles

My most recent ramblings can be found in the Life section.

My latest Mastodon posts

Mastodon is a microblogging app that is part of the decentralised web known as The Fediverse. See this article for more details.


Sat, 07 Sep 2024 12:22:27 +0000

I've got used to the layout of the AOSP keyboard (apostrophe as a long press on "c", for example) on my personal 'phone. I'm not finding an equivalent on fdroid.

I've tried the Samsung (the default), Fossify and Simple keyboards. none of those have that layout.

The AOSP keyboard doesn't seem to be installed on Samsung 'phones. I don't want to go to Google.

Any suggestions?

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Sat, 07 Sep 2024 09:18:23 +0000

I have a very important anniversary coming up soon. I don't know whether I should mark the day or ignore it.

You see, I still care very deeply, and, yet, the object of my desires has never felt further away. Ten years later, I still feel it was a missed opportunity, but, nothing I do now can remedy that situation. A rekindling doesn't (currently) seem likely.

The approaching anniversary just makes me feel despondent. I'm not sure I can put on a brave face.

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Fri, 06 Sep 2024 13:39:19 +0000

No doubt these leak management kits will be available for purchase in the Aldi centre aisles next week. They'll be right next to the power drills and air compressors.

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Fri, 06 Sep 2024 13:31:44 +0000

Leak management, Aldi-style.

I'd like to point out that, even though this is a supermarket, this is leak management, not leek management. 😃

A question for Aldi management: wouldn't it be easier to fix the leak?

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Thu, 05 Sep 2024 21:48:48 +0000

I have two local villages, sort-of on my doorstep. I don't live in either. Although, the two villages form one community, and everyone knows everyone else.

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Thu, 05 Sep 2024 21:45:01 +0000

Two weeks ago the streets in the village were dug-up, to enable new fibre cables being laid. The holes were then carefully tarred. This work was done for Highland Broadband.

This week, exactly the same streets, and same holes, were dug-up again to lay more fibre cables. In fact, they just dug into the same channels that were so carefully tarred two weeks ago. This time the work was done for BT Openreach.

I bet some public monies were used for both projects.

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